Monday, May 10, 2010

Outrageous Irony - K of C and NARAL

Hello Dear Ones,
The building in the photo on the left is Casey Center, 1950 Lafayette Rd., Portsmouth, NH.
It is owned by The Knights of Columbus, St. James Catholic Church Chapter, and serves primarily as their meeting and function center.
You are probably aware that the Knights have a very intense Pro-Life mission. It is one of their largest "reasons for being";
(raison d'etre) for the French minded.
OK, you say. What's the point? Are there evil Bingo wrong-doings going on?
If only it were that benign.
Hang on to your hats gang. This will startle you, or at least I hope it startles you. (See previous blog on Ignorance and Apathy).
On Wednesday June 9th, Casey Center will be hosting Choice Chocolate 2010.
This is a major fund-raiser for NARAL - Pro Choice America.
They are one of the largest and most nefarious Pro-Choice organizations in the world.
When I heard this news today, I didn't want to believe it. I really didn't.
Dear readers, do you see how morally perverted this all is?
Take a moment, let in sink in.
The Knights of Columbus hosting NARAL.
Guess what?
Our inglorious Bishop of Manchester, John McCormack is fully aware of the event, and so far, has remained silent. Now, there's a real surprise.....NOT!
So, I urge you all, people of good conscience, PLEASE take some action.
Pray and/ or Protest against this outrageous irony.
See the info in the email I sent you.
Be Well. Be Safe.

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