Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Drifting deeper into Darkness

Brothers & Sisters,

Just as dark, ominous, clouds form in our November skies, so too are they forming in the halls and chambers of our newly elected Government.

Clearly, the selection of Barack Obama to be our next President is a deeply disturbing event, especially to those of us who are Christian.

I find it hard to fathom that a man who so openly supports the slaughter of innocent human life through abortions, who wants to overturn the ban on partial birth abortions, who supports gay "marriages" , who has little to no practical experience, who will raise taxes on small to medium sized business ,which in this painful recession will throw us into a Depression (eg. What Herbert Hoover did in the 20's), and who associates himself with notoriously shady characters, can be chosen to lead our Republic.

To be honest, he doesn't even respect our Flag! (more on that later)

I am forced then to conclude that the majority of people who voted for this man either did not do enough research or were collectively mesmerized by this charismatic Celebrity Senator touting his nebulous, well financed, but ultimately empty, message of "Change", or both.

On an equally appalling note, exit polls conducted by Gallup and Reuters showed that just about 43% of our Catholic brethren voted for Obama, and that just over 50% who share that faith do not consider abortion to be problematic or evil.

My Brothers and Sisters, this is precisely what I mean when I speak of the Culture of Death. A culture so deluded and distracted by false gods, and watered down moral values, that we have turned a blind eye on just how far we have fallen!

America has become the Rome of AD 400: Fat, Dumb, and Happy, filled to satiety with all manner of lustfullness and deceit . We have only ourselves to blame, yet we will try to assign blame elsewhere, shunning responsibilty that by it's very nature is defined as accepting the consequences of our behavior.

So now what? The selection of Mr. Obama has been allowed by God for a reason, and as Christians we must be confident in the wisdom of the Lord. This is not the time for us to crawl with limp resignation into our "hidey-holes". Now more than ever we must re-dedicate ourselves to fight for what is right and truthful under the Law.

I will close with Psalm 42: 2-3 "God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in our distress. Therefore, we fear not, thought the earth be shaken and mountains plunge into the depths of the sea."

Be well. Be strong.


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